Formerly naked backyard slowly evolving into a butterly/bee haven……baby steps
Marvelous Monarch Monitoring Motel
The name is a description of the combination of Monarch Larvae Monitoring Project Site 2519 and Monarch Watch Waystation 15600 also known as Marvelous Monarch Motel. This project collects data and remits the data to both MLMP in MN and Monarch Watch in KS and besides that, furnishes sighting reports to Journey North.
BOLO Butterfly Project #18853
2 1/2 acre milkweed reintroduction along with a pollinator and nectar garden.
My Slice of Heaven
This garden was started from seed in November 2015 and continues to attract pollinators year after year. Climbing milkweed adorns the surrounding fence line and three dogs guard the garden from large birds of prey. I find great solace and relaxation in simply sitting and watching the bees and butterflies amidst the vibrant wildflowers.
PollinatorSeed Mix
Scattered seeds from Pollinator mix
Royal Waystation
Small garden with several milkweed varieties, wildflowers, Rose of Sharon Bush, small water fountain
CK School Pollinator Gardens
We have converted a space at our school to an outdoor garden wherein we have installed and planted three pollinator gardens. Students involved in a nature course (called “Knights in Nature”) as well as our student Green Team help to plant and maintain the gardens. We have planted milkweed and other types of plants and flowers to try and attract monarchs and other pollinators.