Rainbow Gardens

The City of Perry have allowed the Community to use the space of Rainbow Park for a Community Garden. The vision for this garden is for multiple purposes. It will be the Outdoor Classroom for Perry Schools, it will host community raised beds for individuals and families, and another area will be specifically planted to donate to the local food bank and organizations like Food Bank. Pollinator gardens will be on the perimeter or the garden, which is 1.8 acres, and sprinkled between the food plots.


A second Waystation habitat in conjunction with our nearby efforts located at 1340 NW 1st.
These gardens encompass the entire front yard of our office building. Dedicated to maintaining and introducing multitudes of diverse, pollinator-boosting plants.

SOM: Save Our Monarchs

I planted 3 varieties of butterfly bushes. About 6 plants. watered them regularly and watched to see if anything was happening. Found these caterpillars working mid October! Was very happy to see my efforts was helping some.
Plan to expand my little garden next year!

OKC Zoo Butterfly Garden

Established in 1996, the OKC Zoo Butterfly Garden is designed to teach about butterflies and their life cycles as well as about the importance of pollinators and native plants. Measuring 20,000 square feet, it is one of the largest educational gardens in Oklahoma. It is also a registered Monarch Waystation and has been used as a tagging site for Monarch Watch’s ciitzen science program for over 20 years.

Collinsville Pollinator Haven

Undergoing the process of transforming our suburbanite grass-topia into a more pollinator (and other wildlife) friendly space. We have removed most of the exotic plants from our front flower beds and replaced them with native milkweeds, coneflowers, spiderworts, salvias, lance leaf coreopsis, and mountain mint. My wife and I planted an Eastern Redbud tree in the front yard as well. We plan on adding a solitary bee house and a water source. We plan on adding more native plants to improve the space in the future. We hope to meet the qualifications next year to register our garden as a monarch waystation!