Two-tiered raised flower bed along our back fence, approximately 45′ long x 6′ deep. We have four 2’x2’x8′ raised rectangular beds (bottomless containers) along the back fence, and in front of those is a row of three 1’x2’x8′ oblong raised beds (also bottomless containers). We have filled the beds with Oklahoma Native Plants (95% are true native with only a few hybrids and others). Included are two plants each of three different species of milkweed: butterfly, purple and whorled.
Backyard Broken Arrow Monarch Sanctuary
I planted a 2000 square ft. monarch sanctuary garden including milkweed in the backyard in February. They are now attracting what I believe are monarch caterpillars. I just took a picture of my first one. No pesticides or herbicides are used in the backyard.
Home pollinator garden
We have worked hard to add monarch and other pollinator friendly plants to our home garden. Such as 3 types of milkweed, black night butterfly bush, coreopsis, purple cone flower, indian blanket, zebrina mallow, yarrow, thistle, purple passion flower, vervain, and goldenrod. Along with pollinator houses and water stations.
Pollinator garden in the country
Pollinator garden in rural Ada, Oklahoma
Jacob’s Meadow
Registered Monarch Waystation # 41864
Registered Pollinator Bee Friendly Garden # 2023000008.
Meadow with several raised flower beds.
And dedicated Milkweed section.
Pollinator garden
I am planting milkweed and other native plants to help butterflies and other pollinators.
Pollinator & Monarch Butterfly Garden
I planted a pollinator garden then added 4 kinds of milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies. This past year I released 67 Monarchs!
Pocket Prairie
Multi year effort to transform yard to native plant habitat
Toby’s Native Pollinator Garden
A 200 square feet plot within a larger yard in Suburban Tulsa, OK. It includes syriaca, incarnata, and tuberosa milkweeds along with native plants as nectar sources. Correopsis, monarda, and Helianthus included. Most of the plants are plugs from local nurseries, starting in 2018.
Urban Pollinator Garden
An 8×4 raised flower bed in an urban backyard with milkweed, black eyed Susans, golden rod, lantana, rue, coneflower, ironweed, and coreopsis.