Buterfly Heaven

My husband and I just moved had to leave my huge beautiful garden behind. So with his help we removed sod from the front yard and planted exactly what Okie Monarch suggested in a flier I received at my March DAR Broken Arrow Chapter meeting. I planted 2-Butterfly Weed, 2-White and Rose Milkweed, Indian Blanket, 2-Beebalm, 2-Blazing Star, 2-Purple Silvas, 2-Angelonias, lots of Lantana’s in different colors, 2-Aromatic Aster and 2-Showy Goldenrods. I’m not done yet but it is a good start. Followed direction from the Ray Harrel Nature Centers-Chris Ohler where I saw my 1st tiny Monarch Caterpillar on Earth Day! That was SO exciting! I told all my neighbors what I was doing so it’s catching on!

Matthews Butterfly Garden

We planted a small backyard raised bed of 70’ x 3’ anchored by 2 Dynamite crape myrtles to each side and 7 Green Tower boxwood shrubs for height and chrysalis formation. To attract butterflies, we chose Buddleia Flutterby Petite butterfly bushes, blue puffball petite vitex shrubs, blue fortune hyssop, lantana annuals, and parsley as host plants for black swallowtail butterflies. Clover was also planted for use as green mulch to discourage weeds. Milkweed was planted, but failed. We hope to succeed with new milkweed plantings this year, but we did succeed last fall in attracting monarchs during their migration. What a joy!

The Labrador and Lepidoptera Lounge

The southwest corner of the front yard is where I grow all of the pollinator-friendly plants I can get my hands on. I have planted mostly perennials, but I will switch out annuals in colorful pots because I love an ongoing project. Feel free to take a peek if you’re in the area! (Warning: May not be a good stop for people who are afraid of large dogs because mine will want to check you out.)

Monarch/Hummingbird Garden

I’ve been attempting to grow various types of nectar rich flowers for various stages of a monarch’s lifecycles. I planted various milkweed species that supposedly are perennials in Oklahoma. Last summer, 2018, I actually saw adults lay eggs, the caterpillars, then the offspring during their return to Mexico. Praying the milkweed comes back.

10 Acres for Pollinators in SW Stillwater

In June 2017, we moved into house on 10 acres, most of which is native Cross Timbers woodland or tallgrass prairie. My family and I are working to remove invasive plants and replace them with native plants for pollinators. Thus far, we have six native milkweed species and dozens of nectar and pollen-producing species, but will be planting more by transplants and by seed.