Sandy’s Butterfly Sanctuary

Started in 2005, the gardens have grown and have brought in more than 87 species of butterflies. It is a safe place for all kinds of pollinators and wildlife. In 2007, the gardens were registered with Monarch Watch as Monarch Waystation #1524. New beds have been planted over the years. Monarch sightings have been documented to Journey North for the past eleven years and number in the thousands.

The Patch

We have 2 pollinator gardens equaling about 100 square feet. Plants consist of Green Antelopehorn (Asclepias viridis), Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica), Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata), Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa), Salvia, Lantana, Blue Mist, Fennel, Desert Flame, Echinacea, Fire Cracker, Lavendar, and Bee Balm. We also have 4 raised beds (8’x4′) with peppers, tomatoes, herbs, cucumbers, etc. A large fence surrounds the 4 raised beds with nectar plants around it (Gaillardia, Echinacea, Coreopsis, Marigolds, Phlox, Mexican Feather, Zinnias, etc.

Waller Wildlife Garden & Happy Place

In spring of this year my hubby and I moved into a new (old) craftsman bungalow in midtown Tulsa, OK that had zero pollinator plants. Since moving day, we have added two water features, 20 planted containers, 5 hummingbird feeders, added fence and shade/shelter, and planted dozens upon dozens of native perennials for nectar sources, including more than 20 milkweed plants of at least 3 varieties. We made sure to do most of our buying from local mom-n-pop plant stores as well as at local festivals. I will also apply for NWF habitate and Monarch Waystation…but that has not happened yet. (You can count on me to do that next month (so count me in your numbers is you wish.)

Phillips Pollinator Habitat

Flowers are my happy place but I’ve found that they’re even more enjoyable when pollinators and other wildlife are using them. We have beds in front and behind our house that offer a variety of native and horticultural versions of flowering plants. I’ve tried to include species that flower throughout the growing season and am working to limit chemicals that I unknowingly bring into the garden with new plants. We’ve been rewarded with a variety of pollinators ranging from, bees and wasps, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds and even bats (although most of those are likely insectivorous). Its always a work in progress, but also always a labor of love.