Landscaping with Native Plants

Sat, April 5, 2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Instructor: Connie Scothorn

Did you know that the population of birds in this country has decreased by 1/3 in just the last 50 years? That is one reason that we should be planting more native plants: to supply food and shelter for the birds and other pollinators. Another big reason is that they are beautiful! Most will provide an explosion of color at various times of the year. Connie will offer ideas as to how you can design a native garden and transform your yard into a haven for pollinators. The class will include a walk through the nursery so they can point out some of their favorite native plants. (Hint: They are almost all favorites.)

Instructors: Connie Scothorn is a licensed landscape architect specializing in creating sustainable site designs using native plants. She has created award-winning designs for residential gardens, parks and streetscapes. In 1999 she was a founding principal of CLS & Associations. She co-authored the book Oklahoma Native Plants. A Guide to Designing Landscapes to Attract Birds and Butterflies.

$10 per person or $15 per pair

Commonwealth Urban Farms
1016 NW 32nd
Oklahoma City, OK
