Native Oklahoma Plants
Sat, August 17, 2024
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Myriad Botanical Gardens
301 W Reno Ave
Oklahoma City, OK
Sat, August 17, 2024
10:00 am - 11:00 am

- Saturday, August 17, 10-11AM
- Member $16; Nonmember $20
- Terrace Room
- Kaitlin Bacon, Director of Education
- Register by August 15
Native plants represent the rich biodiversity of our plains and cross-timber regions of Oklahoma. They support our local pollinators, provide shelter for countless species, improve our air quality, and more are just some of the reasons to plant them. They require less water and less fertilizer and grow optimally in our unique Oklahoma climate. Join us as we discuss strategies for introducing natives into our gardens, highlighting particularly outstanding ones to match our circumstances, and more. Guests will leave with a native perennial to get them started.
Myriad Botanical Gardens
301 W Reno Ave
Oklahoma City, OK