Troubling news for eastern monarch butterfly populations

Presence of monarch butterflies in their wintering habitat drops 59.3%

The presence of the eastern monarch butterfly population in Mexico’s oyamel fir forests this past winter decreased by a staggering 59.3% compared to the previous year, according to the most recent survey released by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Mexico. Monarch butterflies occupied 0.9 hectares, 1.31 less than the 2.21 hectares in the 2022-2023 overwintering season. This is the first time since the 2013-2014 overwintering season that the eastern monarch population has occupied less than one hectare. Candidly, this is an “all hands on deck” moment for pollinator people across the state. Today, we’re humbly asking for your support in a few key areas. 

#1 - Create Habitat for Monarchs

First, we hope that you’ll create more habitat than ever in 2024. An abundant supply of milkweed is a must for traveling monarchs, and it’s never too soon to start preparing. It’s also important to register your efforts and certify your garden/habitat, as the more data we’ve got, the stronger and more cohesive our strategy will become. Plus, you’ll inspire others to take action!

#2 - Report Your Sightings

Second, report your sightings. To understand the migration, we rely on the help of citizen scientists like YOU to collect data during all phases of the annual life cycle.

#3 - Contribute Financially to Conservation

Finally, consider contributing financially to our collective conservation efforts. Whether that means a one-time or monthly gift, a license plate purchase, or stocking up on our native wildflower mix, your generous donation directly supports our statewide effort to save the monarchs.